Tips from Welsh Golf Pro – Will Davies

Draws Vs Fades


The main contributing factors to a draw are where the club face is aiming at impact and the path and direction the club travels before and after impact. To hit the draw, the face needs to be slightly right of the target line at impact with the path of the club going further right than the face alignment. The difference between them will dictate the amount of right to left curvature on the ball. Our set up can aid in promoting this pattern.

Follow these steps to give yourself the best chance of delivering the club in this way…

  1. Put the ball 1-2inches back in the stance.
  2. Aim upper body/shoulders slightly right of target.
  3. Hands slightly forward at address.
  4. Swing along your shoulder line!



Similar to the draw, the main contributing factors to a fade are where the club face is aiming at impact and the path and direction the club travels before and after impact. To hit the fade the face needs to be aiming slightly left of the target at impact with the path of the club travelling slightly further left of both the target and the club face alignment. The difference between the two of them assuming a centred strike will be the curvature of the ball left to right. Our set up can aid in promoting this pattern.

Follow these steps to give yourself the best chance of delivering the club in this way…

  1. Put the ball position an inch forward in the stance.
  2. Aim upper body/shoulders slightly left of the target.
  3. Hands slightly back at address.
  4. Swing along your shoulder line!


White line : Target line

Orange line: club face alignment (where the club is aiming)

Green line : swing path (where the club travels)